On Demand Home & Work Water Purifiers
When Compact Style & Ease Of Use
Are Your Priorities
Are Your Priorities
- Best option for tight spaces & cozy places.
- Quick-connect cartridges for fast filter changes.
- Compact design requires special filters.
- Interior Designer's favorite "show-off" system!
- Comes with a premium faucet & storage tank.
When Saving Water Matters The Most
- Water Saver - Best eco-friendly option.
- Featuring a 1:1 water saving membrane
- Highly efficient Reverse Osmosis membrane.
- Sustainable - Extra water saving technology.
- Favorite to use in drought prone states.
When Your Water Problems
Require Special Solution
Require Special Solution
- Solve any specific water problem!
- Fully customize your multi-stage RO system.
- Best for residential and small commercial solutions.
- Custom faucets, tank sizes & accessories available.
- Specialty filters to Increase alkalinity, improve pH.
- Custom installation parts to rig your house or office
Countertop Water Filtration Systems
Remove chlorine & reduce other contaminants from drinking water.
These hassle-free purifiers easily connect directly to the faucet.
These hassle-free purifiers easily connect directly to the faucet.
3 Temp Countertop Hydration Station
- Modern slick space saver.
- Great for homes with children or office spaces.
- 3 temperatures, with hot water safety lock.
- 4 Stage RO filtration or Ultra Filtration available.
Countertop EcoCarb Portable Purifier
- Best for removal of chlorine.
- Reduces most EPA listed contaminants.
- Fits Standard Faucets (Screw-on feature)
- Requires No Plumbing Installation.
- Great For Apartments.
- Ditch expensive water bottles.
Countertop Ceramic Gravity Pitcher Filter
- Best for removal of chlorine.
- Reduces most EPA listed contaminants.
- All-in-one stand alone filter
- Requires No Plumbing Installation.
- Great For Apartments, travel or events
- Ditch expensive water bottles.